Milos Zivkovic
Mar 31, 2021


Thanks for reading!

I get it's a buzzword, but it describes it well. It's debt that accrues over time. Patches the code up now, but costs you more over time. It's debt.

Although most of the tech debt comes from unfinished work. There can be a debt of completed work. Where you see code duplicates after that's finished. More code, more maintenance, more to pay in the future.

I'll take the "unfinished work" as a synonym. It is a good way of putting things.

So using jargon terms leads to incompetence. Will try to search that up.


A great contribution to the article. Great story. That adds up to the whole idea. Idea of bad codebases.

We all have that page. We all have this duplication of queries.

Reading code is the de facto tool for tackling bad codebases. Thanks for mentioning it!



Milos Zivkovic

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