My Underperforming Developer Got Fired. Here’s Why This Is Healthy for The Team

What you can do to prevent the firing, but also what can happen if firing doesn’t happen

Milos Zivkovic
4 min readJun 13, 2023

-- — portrait of someone with depression

What could I’ve done to make things better? What was the mistake on my part? What’s the modus operandi for working with those folks?

Well, this guy was doing the same work and got a bit stuck in a single line of work.

So any task for X module is assigned to him. And what happens after the task gets assigned? Chaos ensues.

The task takes weeks to see production. The correct and fully functional feature just isn’t there. And of course, “design is lagging behind”.

Design folks are only partially guilty.

But what design do you need for a few lines being rendered? Also for each task, the same story occurs. One can conclude, it’s not up to the design.

“Our design folks won’t have time to invest in this feature, deliver the feature in best effort.”

And it was a simple feature, so design wasn’t even necessary. Still, I got the same response from the developer: “We need the client to sign off “. And of course, this got stalled as well.



Milos Zivkovic
Milos Zivkovic

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